Peladan’s Literary Esotericism: Lectures in Denmark & Sweden 2015

In the spring of 2015 I received an invitation to Aarhus University to speak on Péladan’s literature and “esoteric modernism” at a closed symposium with scholars doing some incredibly exciting work in this area, breaking new ground on possible interdisciplinary approaches between the disciplines of literary studies, art history, and esoteric studies. This was quickly…

New Article: Making the Invisible Visible

My original English article MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE: PÉLADAN’S VISION OF ENSOULED ART  written for the Neosymbolist Salon in Madrid is online at Project AWE – an amazing initiative dedicated to to understanding & experiencing cultural icons of Western European heritage and exploring forgotten connections between Hermetic-Cabalist traditions & Art. The Spanish version of this article was included…

Interview on Peladan with Haakan Sandell

My interview with Swedish retrogardist poet Haakan Sandell, exploring Peladan’s views of sacrality in art, feminine nature, and why Peladan was not a misogynist. The interview was conducted in the winter of 2012-13. The Swedish version is available on 1. Your unique site  on the philosophy of Joséphin Péladan (1858-1918), one of the organizers of…

PhD on Peladan awarded!

I suppose it’s true for all newly minted PhD’s, that the reality and weight of what’s just happened hasn’t quite sunk in yet. But four years of eye-wateringly hard work, and plenty of sweat and tears have been duly acknowledged and approved, and the bonus prize is that I was passed without revisions or corrections,…

London lecture on Peladan, Sept. 2014

The news that this talk sold out days before the actual event came as a surprise to me, especially as Péladan is a little-known figure even in esoteric study circles. I was more than a little daunted about meeting the audience’s expectations, and even more nervous because my PhD viva was due to take place the…

Interview for Newtopia Magazine

On how Peladan, art, teaching, and esotericism all slot together and a bit of background on my glory days as a music promoter and art student in Athens. Click for the full interview with Ronnie Pontiac on the Newtopia website. Interview With Sasha Chaitow: Artist and Esoteric Scholar

New article: Hidden in Plain Sight

I’m delighted to have been invited to submit a paper on Péladan, “the grandfather of symbolist art”, for the recent issue of Abraxas, and absolutely chuffed to have had one of my illustrations of Péladan’s work included.